Lawyer Boris Kozjak


Lawyer Boris Kozjak

Boris Kozjak is an experienced lawyer with many years of experience in the legal profession and is one of the leading experts in the field of law and human rights protection. With a passion for justice and a strong commitment to the protection of human rights, Boris successfully built his legal career after graduating from the Faculty of Law in Zagreb in 1987.

During his career, Boris shaped his legal experience through a series of professional roles. In 1995 and 2001, he trained professionally in the law office of the Federal Republic of Germany with the help of the Bonn Foundation for International Cooperation. In addition, Boris was appointed permanent court interpreter for the German language in 1997 and actively participated in trials at the European Court of Human Rights of the Council of Europe in Strasbourg, winning seven cases.

- Gudeljević v.Croatia, Application no.18431/02
- Camasso v.Croatia, Application no.15733/02
- Lulić i Backer v. Croatia, Application no.22857/02
- Studio G3 v.Croatia, Application no.72233/01
- Muženjak v.Croatia, Application no.73564/01
- Kovač v.Croatia, Application no.503/05
- Babić v.Croatia, Application no.45391/16

Boris is also on the list of lawyers in the embassies of the United States of America and Federal Republic of Germany, and since 2014 he has been working as a freelance interpreter for the European Court of Justice from Luxembourg. As a resident court interpreter for the German language, Boris successfully conducts correspondence in German and English, providing clients with high-quality service on an international level. 

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